Veb-portal Istočni biser
Dec 25, 2020
Ashraf Aboul-Yazid: Poems in Arabic (أشعار باللغة العربية)
أشرف أبو اليزيد الرُّؤيا أهبُ الطيور جناحها، والموج بحرًا هادرًا. أهبُ السَّماء سياجَها القُطْنيَّ؛ أغزله؛ أفكُّ خيوطَهُ مطرًا، أطرِّزُه...
Veb-portal Istočni biser
Dec 25, 2020
Tali Cohen Shabtai: Body poems
Body Poems Sanity Why do I have to walk around with, in geometric jargon, shapeliness in my face? Two ellipses in the eye socket that...
Veb-portal Istočni biser
May 4, 2020
Amanita Sen: Poems
In the garden In that distant garden, where the deck chair awaits me, moments flow watchfully heavy with the ancient wisdom of the trees...