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ISTOČNI BISER raspisuje konkurs DODIR JAPANA / Web Portal Eastern Pearl opens call TOUCH OF JAPAN

Veb-portal Istočni biser raspisuje konkurs DODIR JAPANA / Web Portal Eastern Pearl opens call TOUCH OF JAPAN za literarne radove inspirisane slikama Tamare Kusovac for literary works inspired by paintings by Tamara Kusovac

Dragi autori i kreativci, da li ste spremni za jedan književno-umetnički izazov? Srpska slikarka i dizajnerka Tamara Kusovac nedavno je završila jedan vrlo zanimljiv opus slika inspirisanih Istokom, odnosno Japanom. To su slike pune boja i detalja, i gotovo da pozivaju da se o njima zapišu impresije. Ako ste zainteresovani, pogledajte galeriju slika, uzmite olovku u ruke i zapišite svoje impresije. Vaše radove ćemo objavljivati na blogu veb-portala Istočni biser koji je posvećen književnosti, umetnosti i kulturi Istoka, a potom i kao zasebnu e-publikaciju. Pišite kratke forme: pesme, haiku pesme, zapise, impresije, kratke priče ne duže od jedne strane. Radove slati na imejl adresu Uz radova obavezno pošaljite kratku biografsku belešku (najviše do 5 redova) i fotografiju (en face). ***

Dear authors and creatives, are you ready for a literary and artistic challenge? Serbian painter and designer Tamara Kusovac recently completed an interesting opus of paintings inspired by the East, especially Japan. These artworks are vibrant, colourful and full of details, leaving strong impressions and calling us to write about them. If you are interested, take a look at the picture gallery, select only one artwork, pick up a pencil and write down your impressions. We will publish your works on the blog of the East Pearl web portal, which is dedicated to the literature, art and culture of the East, and then as a special e-publication. Write short forms: poems, haiku poems, impressions, stories not longer than one page. Submit your works via email Along with the works, be sure to send a short biographical note (up to 5 lines) and a photo (en face). * U okviru imejla pošaljite i ovaj formular / Include this form into the body of your email: Ime autora / Author's name: Naziv i vrsta rada / Title and genre of the work: Naziv slike / Title of painting Kratka biografija / Short bio Rok za slanje radova / Deadline: 25. jul 2022. / July 25, 2022


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