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Osvrt na antologiju haiku poezije „Gorski biseri“ / „Mountain pearls“

Writer's picture: Veb-portal Istočni biserVeb-portal Istočni biser

Antologija haiku poezije u Crnoj Gori, Gorski biseri, čiji je sastavljač Branka Vojinović Jegdić je poput draguljarnice, bljesnula kao novina u crnogorskoj savremenoj književnosti. Njena važnost, nije samo sadržajno bogastvo poezije koje je neprikosnoveno bitno, već i u nastojanju da se nesebično krene, koliko je to bilo u moći autorke, u sveobuhvatnosti pisaca ovog poetskog žanra koji su bitisali i bitišu u Crnoj Gori.

Haiku poezija nije samo književni poetski žanr koji zadovoljava broj stihova u pjesmi i slogova u stihu, a ni samo poetska slika vezana za prirodu u kojoj se nazire kigo ili godišnje doba. Haiku poezija je način življenja i gledanja na život stvaraoca haiku pjesme. Ona nas zaustavlja da posmatramo, uočavamo trenutke u prirodi koji se događaju sada i ovdje. Za pisanje haiku pjesme nema odlaganja ni predviđanja. Ona ne trpi ni prošlost ni budućnost, ni perifernost prostora. Ona je sadašnjost i ovdje, a zar nije i naš život jedino sada i ovdje!

Znajući to, autorka antologije Gorski biseri, Branka Vojinović Jegdić je pažljivo, predano sistemački radila na sakupljanju materijala, rukovodeći se vrijednostima koje su potvrđene kao i one koje tek treba da se potvrde. Izvori preko kojih je dolazila su različiti i po njoj za sada dosta iscrpni, ali ukoliko je i načinjen neki propust to će biti zadatak nje iste ili novog antologičara. Zavisno od poslatih haikua od samog autora ili pretrage iz drugih izvora, zastupljenost pjesama jednog autora je različita. No to ne mijenja potvrdu o vrijednosti autora već je rezultat dostupnosti materijala koji je bio na raspolaganju. Antologija haiku poezije u Crnoj Gori, Gorski biseri je korak naprijed u popularizaciji haiku poezije na crnogorskom području. Ona je potvrda haiđinima da sabrani među koricama ove antologije daju podstreka da se okušaju i pridruže haiđinima koji to uspješno rade. Nije potrebno govoriti o tome koliko je energije bilo potrebno da se ovaj posao privede kraju i dovede do sadašnjeg oblika. Sigurna sam da je to poznato svakom ko se upusti u ovako ozbiljan poduhvat koji sa sobom nosi odgovornost, a često i samoprekor misleći da je sve moglo drugačije, bolje.

Moje je mišljenje da je uložila veliki trud i opravdala moja očekivanja, jer je gotovo svaki autor predstavljen fotografijom, kraćom biografijom kao i haiku poezijom što je i cilj ove antologije. Posebna vrijednost je što je sadržina antologije prevedena na englski jezik, a samim tim pokazala put do šireg auditorijuma čitalaca van granica ovog govornog područja. Antologija Gorski biseri je veliki doprinos crnogorskoj književnosti pa smatram da je urađena na radost svih onih koji stvaraju i uživaju u čitanju ovog poetskog žanra.


Anthology of haiku poetry in Montenegro, The Mountain Pearls, collected and edited by Branka Vojinović Jegdić is very much like a jewellery store, it glistens as a novelty in Montenegrin modern literature. Its importance is not only the content fortune which is inviolable important, but the effort to proceed altruistically, as much as it is possible, in universality of including the authors of this poetical genre who create and had been creating haiku in Montenegro.

Haiku poetry is not only a literature genre with the form of certain number of verse lines and its syllables, and haiku is not only a poetical image connected to nature in which one can notice the Kigo, or a year's season. Haiku poetry is a way of living and a way of looking at life of the haiku poet. Haiku stops us in order to look, see, view and eavesdrop the moments in nature which happen here and now. For haiku there is no disposal or prediction. He does not endure or tolerate future or past, and no periphery of the area whatsoever. Haiku is present, her and now, and our lives, are they not exactly the same thing, here and now?

Knowing all this, the author of the anthology THE MOOUNTAIN JEWELS, Branka Vojinović Jegdić worked on collecting the material very carefully, systematically and with dedication, guided with the values which have been confirmed as well as those still waiting to be recognized. The sources where multiple and diverse and well investigated, and in case of any oversight, it will be up to herself or a new anthologist to go on and amend. Depending upon the received haiku from the author himself/herself or the search from other sources, presentation of the haiku by a single author varies. But this not changes confirmation about value of the creator's work but it is the result of the availability of the material at disposal. The Anthology of haiku poetry in Montenegro THE MOUNTAIN PEARLS is a step ahead in popularization of haiku in Montenegro. It is a confirmation to the haijins collected between the covers of this anthology and of course, motivates the future authors to join the haiku movement in Montenegro. No need to talk about how much energy is necessary to bring this excessive project to an end and bring it to today's form. I'm certain it is well known to those who engaged themselves in such a project, carrying responsibility and often, a self-condemnation, thinking everything might have been different and/or better.

My opinion is Branka Vojinović Jegdić invested the great efforts and time and justified my expectations, for each author is presented with a photograph, a short biography and haiku which are the goal of this anthology. Its especial value is the whole anthology being translated into English, and by that, its way towards wider public abroad has been guaranteed. The Anthology THE MOUNTAIN PEARLS is a great contribution to Montenegrin literature and I think it has been done to the joy of all those who create, enjoy and read this poetical genre.

Slavka Klikovac

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