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THE WORLD ORGANIZATION of WRITERS (WOW), from Baku to Abuja across Cairo and Moscow

World Organization of Writers “WOW", which was officially registered on December 25, 2023 and the founders of which are the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations “Eurasian Peoples' Assembly”, as well as UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, poet Alexandra Vasilyevna Ochirova and the Chairperson of the Literary Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, poetess Margarita Al, aims to unite the creative efforts of writers from all over the world, their social potentials in the fight for the future of the global humanitarian sphere, in which culture, literature and traditional spiritual values should play a key role in ensuring peace and stability on the planet.

The Republic of Azerbaijan and the city of Baku became the cradle of the very idea of this large-scale association of writers - in 2019, at the literary forum “Creating the image of the Future Man and the Man of the Future in Literature”, the authors and moderators of which were Olzhas Suleimenov and Margarita Al, it was first proposed to the participating writers from 52 countries of the world. Then, on February 2, 2023, in Egypt, writers representing 17 countries, with the participation of UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador A.V. Ochirova, signed the Memorandum of the World Writers Organization and decided to determine the location of the headquarters of the GP in Moscow.

To date, writers from 69 countries have expressed their readiness to become members of the WOW, timing the ceremony of their entry into WOW to coincide with the opening of the first Congress of this international non-governmental organization. This serves as an important signal to the entire global literary community that the relevance and significance of the World Writers Organization is gaining strength and is opening new horizons in the development of the international humanitarian sphere. The focus of the GP on supporting young talented authors, deepening ties between literary communities of countries and continents, a system of rewards and promotion of literary talents, including new prestigious literary awards, will strengthen the spiritual, cultural and intellectual potential of civil society in the world.

On April 4-6, 2024, the first Congress of the World Writers Organization will be held in Abuja, the capital of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, under the slogan: “We are people of one planet.” During the three working days of the Congress, the VII World Literary Festival “WOW-LIFFT”, the World Cultural and Educational Forum “Modern Problems of Humanitarian Modernization”, the celebration of the XXV UNESCO World Poetry Day and the innovative business forum “Eurasia + Africa” will be held on its margins.

The host party is the Pan-African Writers Association “PAWA”, headed by the Gold Laureate of the VI Open Eurasian Literary Festival of LiffT Festivals, Dr. Wale Okediran.

Information support for the Congress events is provided by the Global Cooperation of Media, which has entered into a cooperation agreement with WOW, RIA Novosti, as well as a number of leading media outlets in Egypt, India, Arab countries and CIS countries.

The World Writers' Organization was supported by outstanding writers of the world, video greetings were sent by such poets as the legendary poet from Korea - Ko Eun and the great writer of the world from Kazakhstan - Olzhas Suleimenov, greetings are also planned from the Nigerian Nobel laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka and other famous poets and writers.

The Nigerian partners of the Congress are working to ensure the participation of high-ranking government officials, including the President of the country, as well as representatives of some ministries of Nigeria, and distinguished guests from around the world. Among the declared collective participants of the GP events are the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, the Pan-African Writers Association and other organizations advocating the preservation of traditional values, the establishment of a multipolar world order based on mutual respect, trust and beneficial economic cooperation.

Greeting of the Korean poet Ko In - the World Organization of Writers (WOW)

In preparation for the first Congress of the World Writers' Organization, proposals are being formed - a sponsorship package - for potential partners and sponsors of events that are preparing in Nigeria a new independent international humanitarian platform for dialogue, including between culture and business.

We will be happy to discuss with you the prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation and various forms of interaction. Your support will become an essential element of the new dynamics of development of world cultural relations, strengthening interethnic relations and uniting creative people and organizations around the world.


1. WOW Logo

2. Margarita Al in the previous LIFFT events

3. Alexandra Ochirova

4. Previous winners of LIFFT Gold Medal of the Eurasian Literary Festival


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